
Learning theory

Julien Vitay

Professur für Künstliche Intelligenz - Fakultät für Informatik

Non-linear regression and classification

  • We have seen sofar linear learning algorithms for regression and classification.

  • Most interesting problems are non-linear: classes are not linearly separable, the output is not a linear function of the input, etc…

  • Do we need totally new methods, or can we re-use our linear algorithms?

1 - VC dimension

Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of an hypothesis class

How many data examples can be correctly classified by a linear model in \Re^d?

In \Re^2, all dichotomies of three non-aligned examples can be correctly classified by a linear model (y = w_o + w_1 \cdot x_1 + w_2 \cdot x_2).

Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of an hypothesis class

How many data examples can be correctly classified by a linear model in \Re^d?

In \Re^2, all dichotomies of three non-aligned examples can be correctly classified by a linear model (y = w_o + w_1 \cdot x_1 + w_2 \cdot x_2).

Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of an hypothesis class

How many data examples can be correctly classified by a linear model in \Re^d?

In \Re^2, all dichotomies of three non-aligned examples can be correctly classified by a linear model (y = w_o + w_1 \cdot x_1 + w_2 \cdot x_2).

Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of an hypothesis class

How many data examples can be correctly classified by a linear model in \Re^d?

In \Re^2, all dichotomies of three non-aligned examples can be correctly classified by a linear model (y = w_o + w_1 \cdot x_1 + w_2 \cdot x_2).

Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of an hypothesis class

How many data examples can be correctly classified by a linear model in \Re^d?

However, there exists sets of four examples in \Re^2 which can NOT be correctly classified by a linear model, i.e. they are not linearly separable.

Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of an hypothesis class

How many data examples can be correctly classified by a linear model in \Re^d?

However, there exists sets of four examples in \Re^2 which can NOT be correctly classified by a linear model, i.e. they are not linearly separable.

Non-linearly separable data

  • The XOR function in \Re^2 is for example not linearly separable, i.e. the Perceptron algorithm can not converge.

x_1 x_2 y
 0 0 0
 0 1 1
 1 0 1
 1 1 0
  • The probability that a set of 3 (non-aligned) points in \Re^2 is linearly separable is 1, but the probability that a set of four points is linearly separable is smaller than 1 (but not zero).

  • When a class of hypotheses \mathcal{H} can correctly classify all points of a training set \mathcal{D}, we say that \mathcal{H} shatters \mathcal{D}.

Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of an hypothesis class

  • The Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension \text{VC}_\text{dim} (\mathcal{H}) of an hypothesis class \mathcal{H} is defined as the maximal number of training examples that \mathcal{H} can shatter.

  • We saw that in \Re^2, this dimension is 3:

\text{VC}_\text{dim} (\text{Linear}(\Re^2) ) = 3

  • This can be generalized to linear classifiers in \Re^d:

\text{VC}_\text{dim} (\text{Linear}(\Re^d) ) = d+1

  • This corresponds to the number of free parameters of the linear classifier:

    • d parameters for the weight vector, 1 for the bias.
  • Given any set of (d+1) examples in \Re^d, there exists a linear classifier able to classify them perfectly.

  • For other types of (non-linear) hypotheses, the VC dimension is generally proportional to the number of free parameters.

  • But regularization reduces the VC dimension of the classifier.

Vapnik-Chervonenkis theorem

  • The generalization error \epsilon(h) of an hypothesis h taken from a class \mathcal{H} of finite VC dimension and trained on N samples of \mathcal{S} is bounded by the sum of the training error \hat{\epsilon}_{\mathcal{S}}(h) and the VC complexity term:

\epsilon(h) \leq \hat{\epsilon}_{\mathcal{S}}(h) + \sqrt{\frac{\text{VC}_\text{dim} (\mathcal{H}) \cdot (1 + \log(\frac{2\cdot N}{\text{VC}_\text{dim} (\mathcal{H})})) - \log(\frac{\delta}{4})}{N}}

with probability 1-\delta, if \text{VC}_\text{dim} (\mathcal{H}) << N.

Structural risk minimization

\epsilon(h) \leq \hat{\epsilon}_{\mathcal{S}(h)} + \sqrt{\frac{\text{VC}_\text{dim} (\mathcal{H}) \cdot (1 + \log(\frac{2\cdot N}{\text{VC}_\text{dim} (\mathcal{H})})) - \log(\frac{\delta}{4})}{N}}

Structural risk minimization

\epsilon(h) \leq \hat{\epsilon}_{\mathcal{S}(h)} + \sqrt{\frac{\text{VC}_\text{dim} (\mathcal{H}) \cdot (1 + \log(\frac{2\cdot N}{\text{VC}_\text{dim} (\mathcal{H})})) - \log(\frac{\delta}{4})}{N}}

  • The generalization error increases with the VC dimension, while the training error decreases.

  • Structural risk minimization is an alternative method to cross-validation.

  • The VC dimensions of various classes of hypothesis are already known (~ number of free parameters).

  • This bounds tells how many training samples are needed by a given hypothesis class in order to obtain a satisfying generalization error.

    • The more complex the model, the more training data you will need to get a good generalization error!

\epsilon(h) \approx \frac{\text{VC}_\text{dim} (\mathcal{H})}{N}

  • A learning algorithm should only try to minimize the training error, as the VC complexity term only depends on the model.

  • This term is only an upper bound: most of the time, the real bound is usually 100 times smaller.

Implication for non-linear classifiers

  • The VC dimension of linear classifiers in \Re^d is:

\text{VC}_\text{dim} (\text{Linear}(\Re^d) ) = d+1

  • Given any set of (d+1) examples in \Re^d, there exists a linear classifier able to classify them perfectly.

  • For N >> d the probability of having training errors becomes huge (the data is generally not linearly separable).

    • If we project the input data onto a space with sufficiently high dimensions, it becomes then possible to find a linear classifier on this projection space that is able to classify the data!
  • However, if the space has too many dimensions, the VC dimension will increase and the generalization error will increase.

  • Basic principle of all non-linear methods: multi-layer perceptron, radial-basis-function networks, support-vector machines…

2 - Feature space

Cover’s theorem on the separability of patterns (1965)

A complex pattern-classification problem, cast in a high dimensional space non-linearly, is more likely to be linearly separable than in a low-dimensional space, provided that the space is not densely populated.

  • The highly dimensional space where the input data is projected is called the feature space.

  • When the number of dimensions of the feature space increases:

    • the training error decreases (the pattern is more likely linearly separable);

    • the generalization error increases (the VC dimension increases).

Feature space

Polynomial features

  • For the polynomial regression of order p:

y = f_{\mathbf{w}, b}(x) = w_1 \, x + w_2 \, x^2 + \ldots + w_p \, x^p + b

the vector \mathbf{x} = \begin{bmatrix} x \\ x^2 \\ \ldots \\ x^p \end{bmatrix} defines a feature space for the input x.

  • The elements of the feature space are called polynomial features.

  • We can define polynomial features of more than one variable, e.g. x^2 \, y, x^3 \, y^4, etc.

  • We then apply multiple linear regression (MLR) on the polynomial feature space to find the parameters:

\Delta \mathbf{w} = \eta \, (t - y) \, \mathbf{x}

Radial-basis function networks

  • Radial-basis function (RBF) networks samples a subset of K training examples and form the feature space using a gaussian kernel:

\phi(\mathbf{x}) = \begin{bmatrix} \varphi(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}_1) \\ \varphi(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}_2) \\ \ldots \\ \varphi(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}_K) \end{bmatrix}

with \varphi(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}_i) = \exp - \beta \, ||\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}_i||^2 decreasing with the distance between the vectors.

Radial-basis function networks

  • By applying a linear classification algorithm on the RBF feature space:

\mathbf{y} = f(W \times \phi(\mathbf{x}) + \mathbf{b})

we obtain a smooth non-linear partition of the input space.

  • The width of the gaussian kernel allows distance-based generalization.

3 - Kernel algorithms (optional)

Kernel perceptron

  • What happens during online Perceptron learning?

  • If an example \mathbf{x}_i is correctly classified (y_i = t_i), the weight vector does not change.

\mathbf{w} \leftarrow \mathbf{w}

  • If an example \mathbf{x}_i is miscorrectly classified (y_i \neq t_i), the weight vector is increased from t_i \, \mathbf{x}_i.

\mathbf{w} \leftarrow \mathbf{w} + 2 \, \eta \, t_i \, \mathbf{x}_i

Primal form of the online Perceptron algorithm

  • for M epochs:

    • for each sample (\mathbf{x}_i, t_i):

      • y_i = \text{sign}( \langle \mathbf{w} \cdot \mathbf{x}_i \rangle + b)

      • \Delta \mathbf{w} = \eta \, (t_i - y_i) \, \mathbf{x}_i

      • \Delta b = \eta \, (t_i - y_i)

  • If you initialize the weight vector to 0, its final value will therefore be a linear combination of the input samples:

\mathbf{w} = \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i \, t_i \, \mathbf{x}_i

  • The coefficients \alpha_i represent the embedding strength of each example, i.e. how often they were misclassified.

Kernel perceptron

  • With \mathbf{w} = \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i \, t_i \, \mathbf{x}_i, the prediction for an input \mathbf{x} only depends on the training samples and their \alpha_i value:

y = \text{sign}( \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i \, t_i \, \langle \mathbf{x}_i \cdot \mathbf{x} \rangle)

  • To make a prediction y, we need the dot product between the input \mathbf{x} and all training examples \mathbf{x}_i.

  • We ignore the bias here, but it can be added back.

Dual form of the online Perceptron algorithm

  • for M epochs:

    • for each sample (\mathbf{x}_i, t_i):

      • y_i = \text{sign}( \sum_{j=1}^N \alpha_j \, t_j \, \langle \mathbf{x}_j \cdot \mathbf{x}_i \rangle)

      • if y_i \neq t_i :

        • \alpha_i \leftarrow \alpha_i + 1
  • This dual form of the Perceptron algorithm is strictly equivalent to its primal form.

  • It needs one parameter \alpha_i per training example instead of a weight vector (N >> d), but relies on dot products between vectors.

Kernel perceptron

  • Why is it interesting to have an algorithm relying on dot products?

y = \text{sign}( \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i \, t_i \, \langle \mathbf{x}_i \cdot \mathbf{x} \rangle)

  • You can project the inputs \mathbf{x} to a feature space \phi(\mathbf{x}) and apply the same algorithm:

y = \text{sign}( \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i \, t_i \, \langle \phi(\mathbf{x}_i) \cdot \phi(\mathbf{x}) \rangle)

  • But you do not need to compute the dot product in the feature space, all you need to know is its result.

K(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}) = \langle \phi(\mathbf{x}_i) \cdot \phi(\mathbf{x}) \rangle

  • Kernel trick: A kernel K(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z}) allows to compute the dot product between the feature space representation of two vectors without ever computing these representations!

Example of the polynomial kernel

  • Let’s consider the quadratic kernel in \Re^3:

\begin{aligned} \forall (\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z}) \in \Re^3 \times \Re^3 & \\ & \\ K(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z}) &= ( \langle \mathbf{x} \cdot \mathbf{z} \rangle)^2 \\ &= (\sum_{i=1}^3 x_i \cdot z_i) \cdot (\sum_{j=1}^3 x_j \cdot z_j) \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^3 \sum_{j=1}^3 (x_i \cdot x_j) \cdot ( z_i \cdot z_j) \\ &= \langle \phi(\mathbf{x}) \cdot \phi(\mathbf{z}) \rangle \\ \end{aligned}

\text{with:} \qquad \phi(\mathbf{x}) = \begin{bmatrix} x_1 \cdot x_1 \\ x_1 \cdot x_2 \\ x_1 \cdot x_3 \\ x_2 \cdot x_1 \\ x_2 \cdot x_2 \\ x_2 \cdot x_3 \\ x_3 \cdot x_1 \\ x_3 \cdot x_2 \\ x_3 \cdot x_3 \end{bmatrix}

  • The quadratic kernel implicitely transforms an input space with three dimensions into a feature space of 9 dimensions.

Example of the polynomial kernel

  • More generally, the polynomial kernel in \Re^d of degree p:

\begin{align*} \forall (\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z}) \in \Re^d \times \Re^d \qquad K(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z}) &= ( \langle \mathbf{x} \cdot \mathbf{z} \rangle)^p \\ &= \langle \phi(\mathbf{x}) \cdot \phi(\mathbf{z}) \rangle \end{align*}

transforms the input from a space with d dimensions into a feature space of d^p dimensions.

  • While the inner product in the feature space would require O(d^p) operations, the calculation of the kernel directly in the input space only requires O(d) operations.

  • This is called the kernel trick: when a linear algorithm only relies on the dot product between input vectors, it can be safely projected into a higher dimensional feature space through a kernel function, without increasing too much its computational complexity, and without ever computing the values in the feature space.

Kernel perceptron

  • The kernel perceptron is the dual form of the Perceptron algorithm using a kernel.

Kernel Perceptron

  • for M epochs:

    • for each sample (\mathbf{x}_i, t_i):

      • y_i = \text{sign}( \sum_{j=1}^N \alpha_j \, t_j \, K(\mathbf{x}_j, \mathbf{x}_i))

      • if y_i \neq t_i :

        • \alpha_i \leftarrow \alpha_i + 1
  • Depending on the kernel, the implicit dimensionality of the feature space can even be infinite!
  • Linear kernel: d dimensions.

K(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{z}) = \langle \mathbf{x} \cdot \mathbf{z} \rangle

  • Polynomial kernel: d^p dimensions.

K(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{z}) = (\langle \mathbf{x} \cdot \mathbf{z} \rangle)^p

  • Gaussian kernel (or RBF kernel): \infty dimensions.

K(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{z}) = \exp(-\frac{\| \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{z} \|^2}{2\sigma^2})

  • Hyperbolic tangent kernel: \infty dimensions.

k(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{z})=\tanh(\langle \kappa \mathbf{x} \cdot \mathbf{z} \rangle +c)

Examples of kernels


  • In practice, the choice of the kernel family depends more on the nature of data (text, image…) and its distribution than on the complexity of the learning problem.

  • RBF kernels tend to “group” positive examples together.

  • Polynomial kernels are more like “distorted” hyperplanes.

  • Kernels have parameters (p, \sigma…) which have to found using cross-validation.

Support vector machines

  • Support vector machines (SVM) extend the idea of a kernel perceptron using a different linear learning algorithm, the maximum margin classifier.

  • Using Lagrange optimization and regularization, the maximal margin classifer tries to maximize the “safety zone” (geometric margin) between the classifier and the training examples.

  • It also tries to reduce the number of non-zero \alpha_i coefficients to keep the complexity of the classifier bounded, thereby improving the generalization:

\mathbf{y} = \text{sign}(\sum_{i=1}^{N_{SV}} \alpha_i \, t_i \, K(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}) + b)

  • Coupled with a good kernel, a SVM can efficiently solve non-linear classification problems without overfitting.

  • SVMs were the weapon of choice before the deep learning era, which deals better with huge datasets.