
Convolutional neural networks

Julien Vitay

Professur für Künstliche Intelligenz - Fakultät für Informatik

1 - Convolutional neural networks

Deep Neural Network

  • The different layers of a deep network extract increasingly complex features.

    • edges \rightarrow contours \rightarrow shapes \rightarrow objects

Problem with fully connected networks

  • Using full images as inputs leads to an explosion of the number of weights to be learned:

    • A moderately big 800 * 600 image has 480,000 pixels with RGB values.

    • The number of dimensions of the input space is 800 * 600 * 3 = 1.44 million.

    • Even if you take only 1000 neurons in the first hidden layer, you get 1.44 billion weights to learn, just for the first layer.

  • To obtain a generalization error in the range of 10%, you would need at least 14 billion training examples…

\epsilon \approx \frac{\text{VC}_\text{dim}}{N}

Problem with fully connected networks

  • Early features (edges) are usually local, there is no need to learn weights from the whole image.

  • Natural images are stationary: the statistics of the pixel in a small patch are the same, regardless the position on the image.

  • Idea: One only needs to extract features locally and share the weights between the different locations.

  • This is a convolution operation: a filter/kernel is applied on small patches and slided over the whole image.

  • Note: implemented as a cross-correlation, but it does not matter…

The convolutional layer


The convolutional layer

  • In a convolutional layer, d filters are defined with very small sizes (3x3, 5x5…).

  • Each filter is convoluted over the input image (or the previous layer) to create a feature map.

  • The set of d feature maps becomes a new 3D structure: a tensor.

\mathbf{h}_k = W_k \ast \mathbf{h}_{k-1} + \mathbf{b}_k

  • If the input image is 32x32x3, the resulting tensor will be 32x32xd.

  • The convolutional layer has only very few parameters: each feature map has 3x3x3 values in the filter plus a bias, i.e. 28 parameters.

  • As in image processing, a padding method must be chosen (what to do when a pixel is outside the image).

Convolutional layer on MNIST

  • Let’s see what happens when a convolutional layer is applied on the MNIST dataset (see the exercises).

  • The input is a 28x28 black&white image.

  • The first convolutional layer extracts 16 features, using 3x3 kernels.

Convolutional layer on MNIST

  • Each feature map extracts edges of different orientations.

  • Here are the weights learned in the convolutional layer:

Convolutional layer on MNIST

  • A convolutional layer is like a bank of (adaptive) filters applied on the image.

  • Feature maps are the results of the convolution of these weights with the input image:


  • The number of elements in a convolutional layer is still too high. We need to reduce the spatial dimension of a convolutional layer by downsampling it.

  • For each feature, a max-pooling layer takes the maximum value of a feature for each subregion of the image (generally 2x2).

  • Mean-pooling layers are also possible, but they are not used anymore.

  • Pooling allows translation invariance: the same input pattern will be detected whatever its position in the input image.

Convolution with strides

  • Convolution with strides is an alternative to max-pooling layers.

  • The convolution simply “jumps” one pixel when sliding over the image (stride 2).

  • This results in a smaller feature map.

  • Much less operations to do than convolution with stride 1 followed by max-pooling, for the same performance.

  • Particularly useful for generative models (VAE, GAN, etc).

Dilated convolutions

  • A dilated convolution is a convolution with holes (à trous).

  • The filter has a bigger spatial extent than its number of values.


Backpropagation through a convolutional layer

  • But how can we do backpropagation through a convolutional layer?


  • In the example above, the four neurons of the feature map will receive a gradient from the upper layers.

  • How can we use it to learn the filter values and pass the gradient to the lower layers?

Backpropagation through a convolutional layer

  • Answer: simply by convolving the output gradients with the flipped filter!


Backpropagation through a convolutional layer

  • The filter just has to be flipped (180^o symmetry) before the convolution.


  • The convolution operation is differentiable, so we can apply backpropagation and learn the filters.

\mathbf{h}_k = W_k \ast \mathbf{h}_{k-1} + \mathbf{b}_k

\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}(\theta)}{\partial \mathbf{h}_{k-1}} = W_k^F \ast \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}(\theta)}{\partial \mathbf{h}_{k}}

Backpropagation through a max-pooling layer


  • We can also use backpropagation through a max-pooling layer.

  • We need to remember which location was the winning location in order to backpropagate the gradient.

  • A max-pooling layer has no parameter, we do not need to learn anything, just to pass the gradient backwards.

Convolutional Neural Networks

  • A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a cascade of convolution and pooling operations, extracting layer by layer increasingly complex features.

  • The spatial dimensions decrease after each pooling operation, but the number of extracted features increases after each convolution.

  • One usually stops when the spatial dimensions are around 7x7.

  • The last layers are fully connected (classical MLP).

  • Training a CNN uses backpropagation all along: the convolution and pooling operations are differentiable.

Implementing a CNN in keras

  • Convolutional and max-pooling layers are regular objects in keras/tensorflow/pytorch/etc.

  • You do not need to care about their implementation, they are designed to run fast on GPUs.

  • You have to apply to the CNN all the usual tricks: optimizers, dropout, batch normalization, etc.

model = Sequential()

model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), padding='same'))
model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3)))
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

model.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3), padding='same'))
model.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3)))L
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

opt = RMSprop(


2 - Some famous convolutional networks



  • The Neocognitron (Fukushima, 1980) was actually the first CNN able to recognize handwritten digits.

  • Training is not based on backpropagation, but a set of biologically realistic learning rules (Add-if-silent, margined WTA).

  • Inspired by the human visual system.


  • 1998: LeNet (AT&T labs) was one of the first CNN able to learn from raw data using backpropagation.

  • It has two convolutional layers, two mean-pooling layers, two fully-connected layers and an output layer.

  • It uses tanh as the activation function and works on CPU only.

  • Used for handwriting recognition (for example ZIP codes).

ImageNet object recognition challenge (

  • The ImageNet challenge was a benchmark for computer vision algorithms, providing millions of annotated images for object recognition, detection and segmentation.

  • 14 millions images (224x224), 1000 classes.


  • 2012: AlexNet (Toronto University) started the DL revolution by winning ImageNet 2012.

  • Similar architecture to LeNet, but trained on two GPUs using augmented data.

  • Uses ReLU, max-pooling, dropout, SGD with momentum, L2 regularization.


  • 2014: VGG-16 (Visual Geometry Group, Oxford) placed second at ImageNet 2014.

  • It went much deeper than AlexNet with 16 parameterized layers (a VGG-19 version is also available with 19 layers).

  • Its main novelty is that two convolutions are made successively before the max-pooling, implicitly increasing the receptive field (2 consecutive 3x3 filters cover 5x5 pixels).

  • Drawback: 140M parameters (mostly from the last convolutional layer to the first fully connected) quickly fill up the memory of the GPU.

GoogLeNet - Inception v1

  • 2014: GoogLeNet (Google Brain) used Inception modules (Network-in-Network) to further complexify each stage.

  • Won ImageNet 2014 with 22 layers. Dropout, SGD with Nesterov momentum.

Inception module

  • Inside GoogleNet, each Inception module learns features at different resolutions using convolutions and max poolings of different sizes.

  • 1x1 convolutions are shared MLPS: they transform a (w, h, d_1) tensor into (w, h, d_2) pixel per pixel.

  • The resulting feature maps are concatenated along the feature dimension and passed to the next module.

GoogLeNet - Inception v1

  • Three softmax layers predict the classes at different levels of the network. Combined loss:

\mathcal{L}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_\mathcal{D} [- \mathbf{t} \, \log \mathbf{y}_1 - \mathbf{t} \, \log \mathbf{y}_2 - \mathbf{t} \, \log \mathbf{y}_3]

  • Only the deeper softmax layer matters for the prediction.

  • The additional losses improve convergence by fight vanishing gradients: the early layers get useful gradients from the lower softmax layers.

Inception networks


  • Several variants of GoogleNet have been later proposed: Inception v2, v3, InceptionResNet, Xception…

  • Xception has currently the best top-1 accuracy on ImageNet: 126 layers, 22M parameters (88 MB).

  • Pretrained weights are available in keras:

tf.keras.applications.Xception(include_top=True, weights="imagenet")


Szegedy C, Vanhoucke V, Ioffe S, Shlens J, Wojna Z. (2015). Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision. arXiv:151200567.

Chollet F. (2017). Xception: Deep Learning with Depthwise Separable Convolutions. arXiv:161002357.

Residual networks : ResNets

  • 2015: ResNet (Microsoft). Won ImageNet 2015.

  • Instead of learning to transform an input directly with \mathbf{h}_n = f_W(\mathbf{h}_{n-1}), a residual layer learns to represent the residual between the output and the input:

\mathbf{h}_n = f_W(\mathbf{h}_{n-1}) + \mathbf{h}_{n-1} \quad \rightarrow \quad f_W(\mathbf{h}_{n-1}) = \mathbf{h}_n - \mathbf{h}_{n-1}

  • These skip connections allow the network to decide how deep it has to be.

  • If the layer is not needed, the residual layer learns to output 0.

Residual networks : ResNets

  • Skip connections help overcome the vanishing gradients problem, as the contribution of bypassed layers to the backpropagated gradient is 1.

\mathbf{h}_n = f_W(\mathbf{h}_{n-1}) + \mathbf{h}_{n-1}

\frac{\partial \mathbf{h}_n}{\partial \mathbf{h}_{n-1}} = \frac{\partial f_W(\mathbf{h}_{n-1})}{\partial \mathbf{h}_{n-1}} + 1

  • The norm of the gradient stays roughly around one, limiting vanishing.

  • Skip connections can bypass whole blocks of layers.

  • ResNet can have many layers without vanishing gradients. The most popular variants are:

    • ResNet-50.
    • ResNet-101.
    • ResNet-152.
  • It was the first network to make an heavy use of batch normalization.

HighNets: Highway networks

  • Highway networks (IDSIA) are residual networks which also learn to balance inputs with feature extraction:

\mathbf{h}_n = T_{W'} \, f_W(h_{n-1}) + (1 - T_{W'}) \, h_{n-1}

  • The balance between the primary pathway and the skip pathway adapts to the task.

  • Has been used up to 1000 layers.

  • Improved state-of-the-art accuracy on MNIST and CIFAR-10.

DenseNets: Dense networks

  • Dense networks (Cornell University & Facebook AI) are residual networks that can learn bypasses between any layer of the network (up to 5).

  • 100 layers altogether.

  • Improved state-of-the-art accuracy on five major benchmarks.

Model zoos

  • These famous models are described in their respective papers, you could reimplement them and train them on ImageNet.

  • Fortunately, their code is often released on Github by the authors or reimplemented by others.

  • Most frameworks maintain model zoos of the most popular networks.

  • Some models also have pretrained weights available, mostly on ImageNet.

  • Very useful for transfer learning (see later).

3 - Applications

Object recognition

  • Object recognition has become very easy, each image is associated to a label.

  • With huge datasets like ImageNet (14 millions images), a CNN can learn to recognize 1000 classes of objects with a better accuracy than humans.

  • Just get enough examples of an object and it can be recognized.

Facial recognition

  • Facebook used 4.4 million annotated faces from 4030 users to train DeepFace.

  • Accuracy of 97.35% for recognizing faces, on par with humans.

  • Used now to recognize new faces from single examples (transfer learning, one-shot learning).

Pose estimation

  • PoseNet is a Inception-based CNN able to predict 3D information from 2D images.

  • It can be for example the calibration matrix of a camera, 3D coordinates of joints or facial features.

  • There is a free tensorflow.js implementation that can be used in the browser.

Speech recognition

  • To perform speech recognition, one could treat speech signals like images: one direction is time, the other are frequencies (e.g. mel spectrum).

  • A CNN can learn to associate phonemes to the corresponding signal.

  • DeepSpeech from Baidu is one of the state-of-the-art approaches.

  • Convolutional networks can be used on any signals where early features are local.

  • It uses additionally recurrent networks, which we will see later.

Sentiment analysis

  • It is also possible to apply convolutions on text.

  • Sentiment analysis assigns a positive or negative judgment to sentences.

  • Each word is represented by a vector of values (word2vec).

  • The convolutional layer can slide over all over words to find out the sentiment of the sentence.

Wavenet : text-to-speech synthesis

  • Text-To-Speech (TTS) is also possible using CNNs.

  • Google Home relies on Wavenet, a complex CNN using dilated convolutions to grasp long-term dependencies.

4 - Transfer learning

Transfer learning / Domain adaptation

  • Myth: ones needs at least one million labeled examples to use deep learning.

  • This is true if you train the CNN end-to-end with randomly initialized weights.

  • But there are alternatives:

    1. Unsupervised learning (autoencoders) may help extract useful representations using only images.

    2. Transfer learning allows to re-use weights obtained from a related task/domain.


Transfer learning / Domain adaptation

  • Take a classical network (VGG-16, Inception, ResNet, etc.) trained on ImageNet (if your task is object recognition).


  • Cut the network before the last layer and use directly the high-level feature representation.

  • Use a shallow classifier directly on these representations (not obligatorily NN).


  • Use the trained weights as initial weight values and re-train the network on your data (often only the last layers, the early ones are frozen).

Example of transfer learning


  • Microsoft wanted a system to automatically detect snow leopards into the wild, but there were not enough labelled images to train a deep network end-to-end.

  • They used a pretrained ResNet50 as a feature extractor for a simple logistic regression classifier.

Transfer learning in keras

  • Keras provides pre-trained CNNs that can be used as feature extractors:
from tf.keras.applications.vgg16 import VGG16

# Download VGG without the FC layers
model = VGG16(include_top=False, 
              input_shape=(300, 300, 3))

# Freeze learning in VGG16
for layer in model.layers:
    layer.trainable = False

# Add a fresh MLP on top
flat1 = Flatten()(model.layers[-1].output)
class1 = Dense(1024, activation='relu')(flat1)
output = Dense(10, activation='softmax')(class1)

# New model
model = Model(
    inputs=model.inputs, outputs=output)

5 - Ensemble learning

ImageNet recognition challenge: object recognition

  • Since 2016, only ensembles of existing networks win the competitions.

Ensemble of networks


  • Ensemble learning is the process of combining multiple independent classifiers together, in order to obtain a better performance.

  • As long the individual classifiers do not make mistakes for the same examples, a simple majority vote might be enough to get better approximations.

Ensemble learning

  • Let’s consider we have three independent binary classifiers, each with an accuracy of 70% (P = 0.7 of being correct). When using a majority vote, we get the following cases:

    1. all three models are correct:

      P = 0.7 * 0.7 * 0.7 = 0.3492

    2. two models are correct

      P = (0.7 * 0.7 * 0.3) + (0.7 * 0.3 * 0.7) + (0.3 * 0.7 * 0.7) = 0.4409

    3. two models are wrong

      P = (0.3 * 0.3 * 0.7) + (0.3 * 0.7 * 0.3) + (0.7 * 0.3 * 0.3) = 0.189

    4. all three models are wrong

      P = 0.3 * 0.3 * 0.3 = 0.027

  • The majority vote is correct with a probability of P = 0.3492 + 0.4409 = 0.78 !

  • The individual learners only have to be slightly better than chance, but they must be as independent as possible.

Ensemble learning: bagging

  • Bagging methods (bootstrap aggregation) trains multiple classifiers on randomly sampled subsets of the data.


  • A random forest is a bagging method for decision trees, where the data and features are sampled..

  • One can use majority vote, unweighted average, weighted average or even a meta-learner to form the final decision.

Ensemble learning: boosting

  • Bagging algorithms aim to reduce the complexity of models that overfit the training data.

  • Boosting is an approach to increase the complexity of models that suffer from high bias, that is, models that underfit the training data.

    • Algorithms: Adaboost, XGBoost (gradient boosting)…


Ensemble learning: stacking

  • Stacking is an ensemble learning technique that combines multiple models via a meta-classifier. The meta-model is trained on the outputs of the basic models as features.