Dr. Julien Vitay

Researcher / lecturer in Artificial Intelligence.


  Habilitation in Computer Science 2017

\rightarrow Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany.

  Ph.D. in Computer Science 2006

\rightarrow Université Henri Poincaré Nancy-I, France.

  Engineering degree in Signal Processing and Microelectronics 2002

\rightarrow École Supérieure d’Électricité (Supélec), Rennes, France.

  Master of Science in Microelectronics 2002

\rightarrow Université Rennes-I, France.


  Chemnitz University of Technology - Germany 2011 - now

\rightarrow Researcher / lecturer in the faculty of Computer science, AI lab of Fred Hamker.

  • Research:
    • Neuroinformatics: neurosimulator ANNarchy.
    • Deep reinforcement learning.
    • Reservoir computing.
    • Computational neuroscience: basal ganglia, dopamine, hippocampus.
  • Teaching:
    • Neurocomputing / Machine Learning
    • Deep Reinforcement Learning
    • Computer Vision
    • Introduction to AI.
  • Erasmus+ departmental coordinator.

  WWU University of Münster - Germany 2006 - 2011

\rightarrow Postdoc in the Institute of Psychology, lab of Markus Lappe, supervisor Fred Hamker.

  • Research:
    • Computational neuroscience: basal ganglia.

  Inria Lorraine - France 2002 - 2006

\rightarrow PhD student in the Cortex team (LORIA Nancy), supervisors Frédéric Alexandre and Nicolas Rougier (now in Mnemosyne).

  • Research:
    • Computational neuroscience: basal ganglia, visual attention.
    • Robotics.
  • Teaching (at the University of Nancy-I):
    • Computer architecture, Java, AI.


  Programming languages: Python, C++, C, Java, Matlab, Julia

  Machine learning frameworks: pytorch, tensorflow, scikit-learn, XGBoost, rllib, tianshou, mlflow

  Parallel computing: OpenMP, MPI, CUDA

Third-party projects

Title: Counterfactual Assessment and Valuation for Awareness Architecture.

Partners: Radboud University, TU Chemnitz, CERTH, Sorbonne Université, Eodyne Systems, University of Sheffield, Robotnik Automation, University of Oxford, Uppsala University, tp21 GmbH.

Role: Research.

Title: Erforschung von KI Methoden zur Entwicklung eines interaktiven Gesundheitsassistenten auf Basis von Human in the Loop Machine Learning.

Research on AI methods for the development of an interactive health assistant based on human-in-the-loop machine learning.

Partners: Corant GmbH, TU Chemnitz.

Role: Design, co-supervision of Aida Farahani and Payam Atoofi.

Title: Wissensbasierte Anomalieerkennung mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz in Kritischen Infrastrukturen.

Knowledge-based anomaly detection using artificial intelligence in critical infrastructures.

Partners: TU Cottbus, TU Chemnitz, LEAG, RWE AG, STEAG GmbH, ASCORI GmbH, migosens GmbH, ZEDAS GmbH.

Role: Design, co-supervision of René Larisch.

Title: Maschinelles Lernen zur Prognose von Prozessparametern und Bauteilqualität in der automobilen Karosserieproduktion.

Machine learning for the prediction of process parameters and component quality in automotive body production.

Partners: Fraunhofer IWU Dresden, Scale GmbH, TU Chemnitz.

Role: Design, research, co-supervision of Aida Farahani and Payam Atoofi.

Title: Auto-tuning for neural simulations on different parallel hardware.

Partners: TU Chemnitz (Hamker).

Role: Design, co-supervision of Helge Dinkelbach.

Title: Sozial agierende, kognitive Systeme zur Feststellung von Hilfsbedürftigkeit.

Social, active and cognitive systems for the detection of helplessness

Partners: TU Chemnitz.

Role: Principal Investigator

Title: StayCentered - Methodenbasis eines Assistenzsystems für Centerlotsen - MACeLot.

Method base of an assistance system for center pilots

Partners: TU Chemnitz.

Role: Research.

Title: CrossWorlds: Kopplung virtueller und realer sozialer Welten

CrossWorlds: Coupling virtual and real social worlds.

Partners: TU Chemnitz.

Role: Principal investigator.

Title: The cognitive control of visual perception and action selection.

Partners: TU Chemnitz (Hamker).

Role: Research.

Title: A systems approach to modeling the cognitive guidance of attention and object/category recognition.

Partners: TU Chemnitz (Hamker).

Role: Research (employed).

Title: Biomimetic Multimodal Learning in a Mirror Neuron-based Robot.

Partners: Sunderland, Inria, Parma, Cambridge, Ulm.

Role: Research (employed).