Go is an ancient two-opponents board game, where each player successively places stones on a 19x19 grid. When a stone is surrounded by four opponents, it dies. The goal is to ensure strategical position in order to cover the biggest territory. There are around 10^{170} possible states and 250 actions available at each turn (10^{761} possible games), making it a much harder game than chess for a computer (35 possible actions, 10^{120} possible games). A game lasts 150 moves on average (80 in chess). Up until 2015 and AlphaGo, Go AIs could not compete with world-class experts, and people usually considered AI would need at least another 20 years to solve it. They were wrong.
Minimax and Alpha-Beta
The Minimax algorithm is a classical algorithm to find the optimal strategy in zero sum games, where what one player wins is lost by the other (basically all games except collaborative games). Minimax expands the whole game tree, simulating the aternating moves of the MAX (you) and MIN (your opponent) players. The final outcome (win = +1 or lose = -1, but it could be any number) is assigned to the leaves. By supposing that MIN plays optimally (i.e. in his own interest), it is possible to infer what the optimal strategy for MAX is..
The value of the leaves is propagated backwards to the starting position: MAX chooses the action leading to the state with the highest value, MIN does the opposite. MAX just has to play first the action with the highest value and let his opponent play. It might be necessary to re-plan if MIN is not optimal.
For most games, the tree becomes too huge for such a systematic search: The value of all states further than a couple of moves away are approximated by a heuristic function: the value V(s) of these states. Obviously useless parts of the tree can be pruned: This is the Alpha-Beta algorithm. Alpha-Beta methods work well for simple problems where the complete game tree can be manipulated: Tic-Tac-Toe has only a couple of possible states and actions (3^9 = 19000 states). It also works when precise heuristics can be derived in a reasonable time. This is the principle of IBM DeepBlue which was the first Chess AI to beat a world champion (Garry Kasparov) in 1995. Carefully engineered heuristics (with the help of chess masters) allowed DeepBlue to search 6 moves away what is the best situation it can arrive in.
This approach does not work in Go because its branching factor (250 actions possible from each state) is too huge: the tree explodes very soon. 250^{6} \approx 10^{15}, so even if your processor evaluates 1 billion nodes per second, it would need 11 days to evaluate a single position 6 moves away…
Training the neural networks
AlphaGo (Silver et al., 2016) uses four different neural networks:
- The rollout policy and the SL policy network use supervised learning to predict expert human moves in any state.
- The RL policy network uses self-play and reinforcement learning to learn new strategies.
- The value network learns to predict the outcome of a game (win/lose) from the current state.
The rollout policy and the value network are used to guide stochastic tree exploration in Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) (MPC-like planning algorithm).
Supervised learning is used for bootstrapping the policy network \rho_\sigma, learning to predict human expert moves. 30M expert games have been gathered: the input is the 19x19 board configuration, the output is the move played by the expert. The CNN has 13 convolutional layers (5x5) and no max-pooling. The accuracy at the end of learning is 57% (not bad, but not sufficient to beat experts).
A faster rollout policy network \rho_\pi is also trained: It has only one layer and views only part of the state (around the last opponent’s move). Its prediction accuracy is only 24%, but its inference time is only 2 \mus, instead of 3 ms for the policy network \rho_\sigma. The idea of having a smaller rollout network has been reused later in I2A (see Section I2A - Imagination-augmented agents)
The SL policy network \rho_\sigma is used to initialize the weights of the RL policy network \rho_\rho, so it can start exploring from a decent policy. The RL policy network then plays against an older version of itself (\approx target network) to improve its policy, updating the weights using Policy Gradient (REINFORCE):
\nabla_\theta \mathcal{J}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{s \sim \rho_\theta, a \sim \pi_\theta}[\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a) \, R ]
where R = +1 when the game is won, -1 otherwise.
The idea of playing against an older version of the same network (self-play) allows to learn offline, bypassing the need for (slow) human opponents. The RL policy network already wins 85% of the time against the strongest AI at the time (Pachi), but not against expert humans.
A value network \nu_\theta finally learns to predict the outcome of a game (+1 when winning, -1 when losing) based on the self-play positions generated by the RL policy network.
Monte Carlo Tree Search
The final AlphaGo player uses Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), which is an incremental tree search (depth-limited), biased by the Q-value of known transitions. The game tree is traversed depth-first from the current state, but the order of the visits depends on the value of the transition. MCTS was previously the standard approach for Go AIs, but based on expert moves only, not deep networks.
In the selection phase, a path is found in the tree of possible actions using Upper Confidence Bound (UCB). The probability of selecting an action when sampling the tree depends on:
- Its Q-value Q(s, a) (as learned by MCTS): how likely this action leads to winning.
- Its prior probability: how often human players would play it, given by the SL policy network \rho_\sigma.
- Its number of visits N(s, a): this ensures exploration during the sampling.
a_t = \text{argmax}_a \, Q(s, a) + K \cdot \frac{P(s, a)}{1 + N(s, a)}
In the expansion phase, a leaf state s_L of the game tree is reached. The leaf is expanded, and the possible successors of that state are added to the tree. One requires a model to know which states are possible successors, but this is very easy in Go.
s_{t+1} = f(s_t, a_t)
The tree therefore grows every time a Monte Carlo sampling (“episode”) is done.
In the evaluation phase, the leaf s_L is evaluated both by:
- the RL value network \nu_\theta (how likely can we win from that state)
- a random rollout until the end of the game using the fast rollout policy \rho_\pi.
The random rollout consists in “emulating” the end of the game using the fast rollout policy network. The rollout is of course imperfect, but complements the value network: they are more accurate together than alone!
V(s_L) = (1 - \lambda) \, \nu_\theta(s_L) + \lambda \, R_\text{rollout}
This combination solves the bias/variance trade-off.
In the backup phase, the Q-values of all actions taken when descending the tree are updated with the value of the leaf node:
Q(s, a) = \frac{1}{N(s, a)} \sum_{i=1}^{n} V(s_L^i)
This is a Monte Carlo method: perform one episode and update the Q-value of all taken actions. However, it never uses real rewards, only value estimates. The Q-values are learned by using both the learned value of future states (value network) and internal simulations (rollout).
The four phases are then repeated as long as possible (time is limited in Go), to expand the game tree as efficiently as possible. The game tree is repeatedly sampled and grows after each sample. When the time is up, the greedy action (highest Q-value) in the initial state is chosen and played. For the next move, the tree is reset and expanded again (MPC replanning).
In the end, during MCTS, only the value network \nu_\theta, the SL policy network \rho_\sigma and the fast rollout policy \rho_\pi are used. The RL policy network \rho_\rho is only used to train the value network \nu_\theta. i.e. to predict which positions are interesting or not. However, the RL policy network can discover new strategies by playing many times against itself, without relying on averaging expert moves like the previous approaches.
AlphaGo was able to beat Lee Sedol in 2016, 19 times World champion. It relies on human knowledge to bootstrap a RL agent (supervised learning). The RL agent discovers new strategies by using self-play: during the games against Lee Sedol, it was able to use novel moves which were never played before and surprised its opponent. The neural networks are only used to guide random search using MCTS: the policy network alone is not able to beat grandmasters. However, the computational cost of AlphaGo is huge: training took several weeks on 1202 CPUs and 176 GPUs…
AlphaZero (Silver et al., 2018) totally skips the supervised learning part: the RL policy network starts self-play from scratch! The RL policy network uses MCTS to select moves, not a softmax-like selection as in AlphaGo. The policy and value networks are merged into a two-headed monster: the convolutional residual layers are shared to predict both:
- The policy \pi_\theta(s), which is only used to guide MCTS (prior of UCB).
a_t = \text{argmax}_a \, Q(s, a) + K \cdot \frac{\pi_\theta(s, a)}{1 + N(s, a)}
- The state value V_\varphi(s) for the value of the leaves (no fast rollout).
The loss function used to train the network is a compound loss:
\mathcal{L}(\theta) = (R − V_\varphi(s))^2 - \pi_\text{MCTS}(s) \, \log \pi_\theta(s) + c ||\theta||^2
The policy head \pi_\theta(s) learns to mimic the actions selected by MCTS by minimizing the cross-entropy (or KL divergence): policy distillation (see Section I2A - Imagination-augmented agents). The value network V_\varphi(s) learns to predict the return using Q-learning.
By using a single network instead of four and learning faster, AlphaZero also greatly reduces the energy consumption.
More impressively, the same algorithm can also play Chess and Shogi!
The network weights are reset for each game, but it uses the same architecture and hyperparameters. After only 8 hours of training, AlphaZero beats Stockfish with 28-72-00, the best Chess AI at the time, which itself beats any human. This proves that the algorithm is generic and can be applied to any board game.
MuZero (Schrittwieser et al., 2019) is the latest extension of AlphaZero (but see EfficientZero (Ye et al., 2021)). Instead of relying on a perfect simulator for the MCTS, it learns the dynamics model instead.
s_{t+1}, r_{t+1} = f_\theta(s_t, a_t)
MuZero is composed of three neural networks:
- The representation network s= h(o_1, \ldots, o_t) (encoder) transforming the history of observations into a state representation (latent space).
- The dynamics model s', r = g(s, a) used to generate rollouts for MCTS.
- The policy and value network \pi, V = f(s) learning the policy with PG.
The dynamics model s', r = g(s, a) replaces the perfect simulator in MCTS. It is used in the expansion phase of MCTS to add new nodes. Importantly, nodes are latent representations of the observations, not observations directly. This is a similar idea to World Models and PlaNet/Dreamer, which plan in the latent space of a VAE. Selection in MCTS still follows an upper confidence bound using the learned policy \pi:
The actions taking during self-play are taken from the MCTS search as in AlphaZero. Note that the network plays each turn: there is additional information about whether the network is playing white or black. Self-played games are stored in a huge experience replay memory. Finally, complete games sampled from the ERM are used to learn simultaneously the three networks f, g and h.
MuZero beats AlphaZero on Chess, Go and Shogi, but also R2D2 on Atari games. The representation network h allows to encode the Atari frames in a compressed manner that allows planning over raw images.